Friday, December 4, 2015

Match 12/5

the match this Saturday 12/5 is at 4:00.  Please be there in red tops and black slacks by 3:30.  If the matches before us are done early, we will start early.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

this will link to last weeks results, your average, and team averages. Sorry for the funky layout.

our next match!

Our next match is against the Rowlett Ramblers (or whatever their mascot is... roughnecks?) the match is at 10:00 A.M.  Please, please, please, be at the bowling alley 30 minutes before the match begins.  We 'coaches' need to know who will be there that day so we can create and exchange our lineups.  When you show up late it throws everything out of whack.  I look forward to seeing your bright, shining faces on Saturday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


We roll for reals this Saturday.  Our opponent is the hated Sachse (I believe that is Native American for "arm pit", but I could be wrong).  The match is at 2:00, but we all need to be at the lanes no later than 1:30. You need to bring $100 cash to pay for the remainder of the season (through February).  Our dress MUST be black SLACKS (no jeggins, or denim, or any of the pants that y'all get away with at Woodrow. They must be slacks) and a red shirt.  If you have a red Woodrow shirt then even better, but red.  Come back soon for an update on how the match will work.  I am sooooo excited!@!@!@@@!!!!